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Life Update: May 7th - 13th

Hello, and Happy Mothers Day I know I haven't posted one of these in a little while now and I'm truly sorry! Finals came up and I just didn't have the time to sit down and write when I knew I had so much work to get done. I apologize but without further ado lets get into the Chisme of the week! (Refer to previous post if you do not know what Chisme means or google it.)



I DNFed Six of Crows again! Someone send help please I can't commit. I'm not sure why but it's just not catching my attention and I decided I didn't want to waste more time on it. At least not right now. I picked up A Court of Frost and Starlight and guys I'm so freaking sad now! Nothing tragic happened I just feel the full impact of the fact that this series is no more. I know they are doing a spin-off series but lets be real I love Rhysand and without him I don't know what life is!! P.S. I'll be posting my book review on ACOFAS sometime this week so keep a look out for that if you'd like to discuss it with me! Also the Red Queen series is getting it's final book War Storm and my damn heart just can't right now! Are all these Authors trying to kill me!?


As I mentioned before the semester finally ended and I had finals and this is why I've been gone for a while now. I'm so glad summer is here so I can focus on reading and blogging. Although I'm really not looking forward to the HOT Texas summer. These summers are no joke and I hate it!! It feels like my skin is going to burn off as soon as set foot out the door. (I might be a Vampire!)


For all the mommies out there on this special day I hope you had an awesome day with your loved ones. I'm not a mom myself but I am a dog mommy so I feel like that counts in a sense because my doggo Chloe is my baby. I love her with all my heart and soul so for those of you who are doggy moms I'd also like to say Happy Mothers Day to you too! I spent the day with my mom and my grandma one of the two most important women in my life. They are truly an inspiration to me and I love them so very much. Let me know in the comments bellow how you spent Mothers Day.

Some of you might know already that my weekend didn't have the best start as one of my doggies crossed the rainbow bridge on Friday. It was horrible and I still am not able to cope with the loss and I know for some of you this may seem dramatic but for me dogs are family. Luke, or as I liked to call him Lucas Lee, was one of those dogs that had so much spunk and personality. Like I'd get home and he'd see my car and he'd go up to the car trying to see if it was indeed me in there. He would also do this really funny jump like a worm!! He was a big puppy and I miss him terribly.

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