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DNFing Format

A lot of times we will go through numerous amazing books and then we will be faced with a book we just cant finish. Its completely ok for this to happen as it's impossible for a book to be to the tastes of everyone! Never feel ashamed of this if you feel you need to move on. I was the type of person who thought once I started a book I had to finish it. That is not the case! I've come to realize that I'd much rather pick up another book that will have me at the edge of my seat than to force something that isn't there. I don't want to miss out on other amazing books because I'm trying to finish one I don't enjoy. Now this doesn't mean that it's wrong to continue a book you don't like. There are many people who will power through, and as I've said I was like this as well. This is completely ok as well! With all that said this will be the format and approach I will be taking to books I DNF. This is not intended to make anyone feel bad if I don't enjoy a book it is simply my opinion. As previously stated one person may love a book and another might hate it, but that's the beauty of it all! We get to see how others are impacted by words!!

For those of you who don't know DNF stands for "Did Not Finish."

Rating: (There will be no rating as that would be unfair.)

1.) Why didn't you like this book?

2.) What do you wish had been done differently if there was anything?

3.) Would you ever consider reading this book again?

4.) Final thoughts?

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